The online video storage service is not reliable websites can shut down or cease to function. Here's how to back up your social video content to your laptop.
My personal story doesn't have much depth. I was born in America I went to college and worked before I found my first job online. However, it also has several traumatic moments where I believed that all was lost forever. One such moment was when my home computer became dark. But, after some tinkering and moving my old hard drive to the new one and installing a new computer, I was able restore all the work that was stored on the drive. It took me three days of sweating and tears... But I learned one thing: Dropbox and personal FTP servers can be used to backup my daily work automatically and manually.
This isn't the best solution. The more data you save online the more you'll need to pay for it to be saved online. It's very simple and appears to be safe. It's also accessible, can be downloaded anywhere you have access to internet access. What happens if WiFi or another internet connection is not available? I prefer to keep my laptop close to me during those times. It serves as my last protection against loss of data. I have two drives there and one for each HDD. This lets them copy one another and assures that one copy will remain in the event of a failure. I only copy stuff there to ensure that my laptop won't fail.
A couple of months ago, my other big day of sadness was. As I mentioned above I take care not to lose any of my work. I copy it multiple times and have it available wherever internet access is accessible. This was Periscope. It was something I frequently used a couple of years back, and during the riots in 2020, I was able to do a few live streams. However, Periscope TV suddenly closed, and all videos are expected to disappear in a few weeks. What should I do? I'd like to have all the videos downloaded so that they can be saved offline on my laptop. These are very special for me. This is the last time I've seen my friend who vanished from radars in Covid. It appears like Covid was a mistake.
The site is one that I frequently visit. It lets me download videos from Youtube and Instagram and Facebook which are some of the sites where I keep most of my live streams. I am into politics and underground movements, and so I often film live events, then save them for future use, publish some on my YouTube channel, and when the live stream is over, I back it up into my laptop. This is the way I work. Additionally, it lets me cross-post videos to different platforms. I can not only post YouTube videos on Facebook and upload that video to Facebook and let it be an individual video on its own. It's astonishing how many live feeds I've created over the past eight years. I currently have three TB. Periscope will not go away.. It truly helps me.

It works like a charm. It is possible to open the video you'd like to download using Periscope, Youtube, or Facebook. Copy the URL by using the share link. After that, I go to the site for downloading videos and paste video link wherever they'd like it. press the big button and within seconds I see multiple choices to download the video, save it on my desktop or laptop, to copy it across other platforms, and then save it for the loved ones. Periscope is not accessible on all sites.
Windows copy can be used to join these fragments in one file. This is due to the format used by video to create the fragments: MpegTS, also known as transport stream. The format for video used in the fragments is Mpeg TS. It allows new users to stream in to the center of the stream with no interruption. In addition, it allows browsers to save data transfer, because instead of a single hour file, it is able to download 360 x 10 seconds files. The software only downloads those that you're watching. Thus, when you only watch 25 seconds of the stream your player will download only 4-6 pieces (it receives 3-4 fragments from the 25 second stretch currently in play as well as 1-2 fragments following when you keep watching the stream). This greatly reduces the total download required to watch just 25sec from the middle of the stream. - not having to download all 1hr of video in the first 25 seconds..